AR u ready?

Stavros Giannoulakis, You’ve made your bed, now lie in it!,

My AR project is a portal into the current global crisis. Historically, people have turned to religious iconography as a means of comfort or faith, but in this instance, they will be forced to face the unflinchingreality of their current position and circumstance. The global crisis is revealed through a Biblical lens with reference to climate change, bushfires, aplague of locusts and pestilence in the form of the coronavirus pandemic. What initially presents as harmless kitsch religious iconography, quickly morphs into something deeply unsettling and disturbed.My concept stems from my observation that things that once offered comfort or consolation during times of intense stress and anguish, seem to have lost their potency or are no longer up to the task, given the sheer enormity and unyielding consistency of tragic and fatal events with which we are progressively bombarded.This project serves as a wake-up call for the viewer, forcing them to engage with the notion that; “You’ve made your bed, now lie in it!”

WARNING: the graphic content in this augmented reality may be disturbing to some viewers

ReferencesThe Last Supper, panel - NGV
Music by Ryoji Ikeda - Data.Microhelix